Deepstatus is proud to be partnered with Native Instruments! If you are having difficulties downloading the app, please contact us. We are happy to announce the release of RC 24 and RC 48 v1.1.1 Update-R2R deepstatus full version! This update is now available for download on Deepstatus. What is new in this version? - The RC 24/48 editor now supports the new NI Soundpack format. If your sound pack has been updated with the new Soundpack technology, you will be prompted to update the RC editor automatically when opening that track. Please follow these instructions to update the editor: - Added the option to show hitpoints when editing hitpoint tracks in single-line editor view. - We have improved the layout and usability of our online soundpack editor. The new design uses the visualizer as a preview window for your soundpack, as well as allowing you to drag and drop files directly onto it. You can now also preview samples individually before adding them, and use keyboard shortcuts to navigate through your sounds. You can even drag and drop multiple samples at once! - Added a context menu for effect parameters containing preset names and delete options. - Added the ability to import MIDI from third party apps into Reaktor. - Removed the screen freeze when loading a soundpack with a large number of samples. - Fixed a problem where adding an instrument key would not update the keyboard accordingly in the editor view. This would usually happen when loading a soundpack that was heavily edited with sample export/import, or when editing an existing instrument in this mode. - Fixed a crash in the Reaktor library browser when you tried to select a library by its name and no library was selected at all. - Fixed a problem where an instrument would not select the first available key in the edit view. In order to install this update, you need Reaktor 6.2.1 or later on your computer. If you do not have this version installed, you can download it from Native Instruments website: www.native-instruments.
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